Naxx - Loatheb - Heroic
Class: Mage
Mage (24)
- Arcane Missiles x2
- Mirror Image x2
- Mana Wyrm x2
- Arcane Explosion x2
- Frostbolt x2
- Sorcerer's Apprentice x2
- Arcane Intellect x2
- Flamewaker x2
- Cone of Cold x2
- Fireball x2
- Water Elemental x2
- Blizzard x2
Neutral (6)
- Haunted Creeper x2
- Ironbeak Owl x2
- Nerubian Egg x2
Starting Hand
Look for Mirror Image, Mana Wyrm, Haunted Creeper, Nerubian Egg.
Use Fireblast to kill Spore and buff your minions. Use Ironbeak Owl to silence Unstable Ghoul to save some of your minions.